Off-the-shelf Dataset Solutions

Speech AI made simple

Leverage ready-to-use, high-quality speech data from HomeProject to streamline your AI development. Ideal for projects requiring immediate, plug-and-play data solutions, our datasets save you time and resources, accelerating your path to AI success.


Select Your Dataset

Explore our vast collection of ready-to-use speech data, suitable for a wide array of AI projects.


Customize Your Requirements

Tailor your selection to match your project’s specific language, dialect, and domain needs.


Seamlessly Integrate

Integrate our datasets with ease into your AI models for quicker, more accurate results.

Expertly Curated Collections

Each of our speech datasets is rigorously selected and validated to ensure top-tier quality.

Diverse Language and Domain Coverage

Our datasets cater to multiple industries, featuring a wide range of languages and application-specific data.

Speech Datasets

Licensed Off-the-shelf Datasets to Boost AI Projects Development

We showcase just a selection on our website, but there’s so much more. Click below to connect with us. Share your requirements, and we’ll provide you with tailored samples and a detailed catalog of our full dataset offerings.

*All datasets are fully transcribed and comes with a perpetual license for commercial AI applications

Off the shelf data

Norwegian Speech Data

Our contributors, prepped with specific scenarios, provide natural dialogues in Call Center scenarios.



Audio format:


Bits p/sample:


Sample rate:


Recording environment:

Quiet indoor settings with minimal background noise and no echo.

Recording content:

  • Generic Speech
  • Human-Machine Interaction
  • Smart Home Commands
  • In-Car Commands
  • Numerical Data


1397 Speakers

  • Gender Distribution: 52% Male, 47% Female, 1% other
  • Age Groups:
    • 56% Aged 18-25
    • 41% Aged 26-45
    • 3% Aged 46-70

Off the shelf data

Danish Speech Data

Recorded by native Swedish speakers, the dataset features dialogues from real-life scenarios captured through high-quality digital recordings.



Audio format:


Bits p/sample:


Sample rate:


Recording environment:

Quiet indoor settings with minimal background noise and no echo.

Recording content:

  • Generic Speech
  • Human-Machine Interaction
  • Smart Home Commands
  • In-Car Commands
  • Numerical Data


953 Speakers

  • Gender Distribution: 43% Male, 57% Female
  • Age Groups:
    • 41% Aged 18-25
    • 52% Aged 26-45
    • 7% Aged 46-70

Off the shelf data

Finnish Speech Data

Contact us for the full details and samples.



Off the shelf data

Swedish Speech Data

Contact us for the full details and samples.



Off the shelf data

Icelandic Speech Data

Contact us for the full details and samples.



Explore Our Extensive Range of Language Datasets

10,000+ hours of data

Curious about our comprehensive collection of over 40 language datasets? We showcase just a selection on our website, but there’s so much more. Click below to connect with us. Share your requirements, and we’ll provide you with tailored samples and a detailed catalog of our full dataset offerings.